Tafseer Surah Al Hujurat

Surah Hujurat is a unique Surah, encompassing a treasure of familial and societal ethics and etiquettes. While it is not often revisited by many, it certainly defines the decorum for a spiritually healthy and well bonded Muslim community.

This short course will take you through this Surah,  unravelling treasures that will enrich your hearts and purify your souls with the mercy of Allah. It is indeed a purification program and a spiritual detox.

Let's use this great opportunity and take maximum benefit from this six week program.

To view the recordings for this course, please enroll for this course, free of cost, and avail the benefit.

Tafseer Surah Ya Seen

Surah Ya Seen is a surah almost all of us are well acquainted with, and have frequently been reading all our lives.

Let us now finally take the time to understand why this surah is so special, and what beautiful treasures lie within. Join us, for this exciting three-day course on the tafseer of Surah Ya Seen.

Let us enrich our hearts and replenish our emaan through this journey together.

To view the recordings for this course, please enroll for this course, free of cost, and avail the benefit.

Tafseer Surah Al-Kahf

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday will have a light between this Friday and the next.”

We have often recited this surah regularly on Fridays and talked about it too. Let us take some time out now and understand why it holds such great significance. Let us learn the innumerable life-changing lessons from this surah. 

To view the recordings of this course, please enrol for this course, free of cost, and avail the benefit

Tafseer Surah Yusuf

This tafseer takes you through a short yet beautiful and heart touching journey through one of the best stories of all times..... That of Yusuf (alayhi salam). Full of meaningful lessons that rejuvenate the heart, uplift the emaan, and stir the soul leaving you with innumerable and most valuable character building lessons.   

Undoubtedly this is a surah that each one of us, whether old or young will certainly benefit from. Please join us in this beautiful journey. Lets grow together in emaan.

To view the recordings for this course, please enrol for this course, free of cost, and avail the benefit.