Detailed Tafseer of the entire Quran

Pricing options

Course Introduction

For years we have revered, respected and recited the Qu'ran, but have we ever taken out the time to understand it ? This course is structured to give you a detailed understanding of the Qu'ran, and also familiarises you with the beauty of the Arabic text. The word to word translation, roots of words, and word analysis, enriches your understanding of the kalaam of Allah and nurtures you to make this noble scripture a part of your lives: Quran fi Hayati.

Course Pattern

This is an intensive Qur'an Tafseer programme, structured for students who want to undertake a study of the Qur'an on a more serious level.

The Tafseer class will be held twice a week, and the medium of instruction will be English.

The class will be a pre recorded session under the guidance of an experienced teacher who will facilitate the class and interact with the students.

There will be a live review session held regularly to enable students to clarify doubts and have a direct interaction with the teacher.

Students who cannot join the live moderated session will have access to the Tafseer recordings and can hear it later. However it is mandatory for the students to have heard the Tafseer before the weekly group sessions.

Weekly Group Sessions

All students will be allotted a group where they will be under the tutelage and mentorship of an experienced teacher who will be their Group In-charge.

In the group sessions, students will be expected to memorise the word to word translations and root words of the two classes that have been done in the past week. They will also be expected to have heard the two lectures of the week.

Students who are incapable of attending the live group sessions, or giving tests, can still continue this programme with sincerity and attend the group sessions when possbile. They will maintain access to all course material. However, such students will not be eligible for certification.

Students will be evaluated for their study, and marked for their attendance in the weekly groups. Please note that attendance in the weekly groups is mandatory and if a student fails to do so. it will eventually affect her certification. 

Please Note : The duration of each group session with the Group Incharges will be from 45 minutes to 1 hour only. The duration of live review class will be around half an hour only.

Evaluation Process

There will be a test at the end of every Juz. Students must pass this test in order to acquire a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

The minimum age limit for this course is 13 years. There is no maximum age limit.

Course Details

  • Registration Commences on : 21st September 2023

  • Course Duration : 3 yrs 3 months

  • Course Commencement : 2nd October 2023

  • Course Completion : 31st December 2026

  • Days of Tafseer: Monday and Thursday (attendance optional)

  • Class Timings: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (GMT)

  • Day of Group Discussion: Saturday/ Sunday/Monday (attendance of groups is mandatory for students who want certification)

  • Group Timings: Saturday 5:00am to 8:00 am (GMT) / Saturday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (GMT) / Sunday 5:00 am to 8:00 am (GMT) / Monday 5:00 am to 8:00 am (GMT) / Monday evening 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (GMT)

  • Holidays : The classes will be closed every year for the month of Ramadan, Month of August (for summer break) and one week in December (for winter break)

  • Review Session : Friday 8:30 am (GMT)

Course Fee

The Course fee for the entire program can be paid using any of the below payment options

  • Monthly Subscription: $17 per month. This amount will be automatically deducted every month (including the 2 holiday months) over a period of 39 months

  • Bi Annual Subscription: $110 per 6 months. This amount will be automatically deducted every 6 months over a period of 3 years

  • Annual Subscription: $220 per year. This amount will be automatically deducted at the beginning of each year, for 3 years

Payment Policies

  • Please select your payment plan after careful consideration, as it cannot be changed later on. 
  • To convert to your currency, click here.
  • Payments once made will not be refunded as there is no refund policy.
  • Please note that access to course material lasts only for the duration of the course. There is no life time access to the recordings.
  • If you have any queries, or are looking for financial assistance, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We'd be happy to accommodate you as a sponsored student.
  • If you want to sponsor a student, contact us at [email protected].

Bonus Material

Additional content is included in your course curriculum to provide further value to your education.

  • Course Material

    Course reference material will be provided only to students registered for the certified course. Further study tools and aids will be provided as and when required.

  • Additional Time Slot

    Additional time slots have been allotted for certified students so that you can connect with your Tafseer teacher directly. These review sessions will be live interactive sessions, and a good opportunity to clear your doubts if any.

  • Evaluations

    Group meetings will be held where each student will be individually evaluated. These assessments help students identify their weak areas and get guidance. Besides, there will be a detailed test at the end of the Juz for certified students only.